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  • 2012年号召中央特岗教师计划  回到大山深处的照金北梁红军小学  现在是照金红军小学的副校长  “美丽基层高校毕业生”陶建刚  那一夜,窗外呼啸而过的拉煤车刺耳的声音,戳碎了他原本想当老师的渴求;那一次,面临家徒四壁的土坯房里,孩子们甜美闪亮的眼眸,忠诚了他回到深山的决意,他要给这些孩子的梦想挂上翅膀。
  • The new 4G mobile phone services in the UK are not as super-fast as the industry promised - and could get worse.在英国,新的4G移动服务约将近运营商所允诺的超高速度,而且速度有可能还不会减慢。
  • Soviet-era T-72 Tanks苏联时期的T-72坦克ISIS captured many tanks from the Iraqi army, including the relatively modern Soviet T-72, of which it may have as many as 10.IS...
  • A retinal implant, or bionic eye, which is powered by light, has been invented by scientists in the United States.一种不受光能驱动的视网膜植入物,也可以叫作是仿生眼,已被美国科学家发明者出来。